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9100 Mission Rd
Prairie Village, KS, 66206

(913) 649-0438

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is a congregation of the ELCA. Please visit our web page to learn more about us, our community partnerships, and ministries.



Musings and updates

Jesus Doesn't Abandon Anyone!

The Rev. Dr. Alix Pridgen

The bane of "Rapture" and  "Left Behind" fear mongering is upon us once again in the form of a movie re-make. According to proponents of this misguided view, when Jesus comes again the "good" people will be instantly sucked up / transported into the heaven (in the air) leaving the "bad" people to suffer years of torment... until the final judgment day.  However, In the Gospels we encounter a Jesus who says he is like a shepherd who goes in search of even one lost sheep, or like a woman searching for a lost coin... never resting until all are accounted for. Jesus doesn't leave anyone behind!

The following article from Biblical Archaeology Review provides some history on the erroneous "left behind" theology, and does a good job of discrediting it.  Another excellent resource is Professor Barbara Lundsblad's book, "The Rapture Exposed" which is available through Amazon.

Blending into One: The Left Behind Movie, the Book of Revelation and the Rapture

An Exercise in Homiletics

The Rev. Dr. Alix Pridgen

This Sunday at 9:15 visit the Faith Exploration Group for a chance to discuss the texts I will be preaching from the following week.  This is a "first read" where we read the passages together and then brainstorm them as a group--listening for the Spirit to guide and enlighten us.  We'll bring our questions, experiences, and arguments to the texts and see what we can glean. This is not a traditional Bible study as we are not "teaching" the text, but rather "encountering" it as if for the first time.  Romans 3:19-28 and Matthew 22:34-46.  See you Sunday! Pastor Alix

Welcome to our new website!

The Rev. Dr. Alix Pridgen

Check out our new website and give us your feedback.  We want to make sure you can find what you are looking for!  Let us know if anything is missing, or if you run across a funky link so we can continue to improve your experience. Thank you! Pastor Alix